3/23/2014 0 Comments A Life-Changing MakeoverThis was a brand-new client who was referred to me. She was very nervous, but after studying my website she decided to trust me with her hair. Wow, did she have some hair! If you look carefully, you can see the curl through the frizz! Val has worn her hair like this her whole life and knew nothing else. Can I help her, she had asked me. Frizz, my friends, is just a curl waiting to happen! It is lacking moisture, and once properly hydrated can live to its full curl potential. For more about frizz, click here. Val was beside herself with shock afterwards, never having seen her hair make actual curl formations like this. It was a beautiful moment to be able to introduce her to her hair!
In following up with her, she is adjusting to her new haircare regimen well, and having good results. (Unfortunately, she hurt her wrist, so right now her hair is taking a back seat as she heals!) I cannot tell you the amount of joy I get to experience every day doing what I do. I love the moment a new curly flips her hair back at the end of her appointment to see the results for herself in the mirror. Thank you, Val, for your courage to step out and trust me! Do you know someone whose hair resembles the "before" picture above? Send them my way! Let's work together for the curly good and help Olympia bring curly back!
11/20/2013 0 Comments How I Met a LegendWhen was the last time you met a celebrity/role model/famous person? Well, I met one in October at CHA Symposium. If you are a curly girl, this will mean a lot to you so listen up. I was able to meet and learn under Lorraine Massey, author of Curly Girl: the Handbook and creator of the DevaCurl product line. A true revolutionary, she worked hard to help curlies world-wide after years of experimenting and learning what worked on her own hair. I was able to hear her speak, share her love and passion for curly hair (which after years of working with has not waned one bit!), and watch as she worked her magic on several types of curls! It was an honor to be present at this very rare appearance, so excuse me as I geek out over my snapshot with her! Aaaaaah! I learned so much during that weekend in October, that it may need a blog post all its own. Suffice it to say, it was life changing; and just the opportunity to hobnob with the cream of the curly crop (fellow CHA members!) was beyond my wildest dreams. I look forward to years and years of collaborating with them to bring Olympia the best the curly world has to offer. SIDE BAR: Story behind the picture: I was getting a shot of myself with one of the models and Lorraine was walking past and jumped in the picture. I am not one to bug people (or celebs) to take a picture with me, so this was a huge surprise! That's why I look so dorky in the picture... And just to be fair to the gorgeous model, I will post the complete picture as well. Have you ever met a celebrity, or someone famous? Who was it? |
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