12/13/2017 0 Comments Your Curls Tell a Story
We discussed these possibilities, and then I remembered that Jennifer had major surgery about a year ago. Upon closer inspection, it appeared that the first six inches of her curls were thick and voluminous. Beyond that is where they started to get stringy. Since hair grows at an average of half an inch a month, six inches is the average growth for hair in a one-year period and it stands to reason that after her surgery she had a major shedding. Why does this happen? It could be the trauma of surgery, anesthesia, a temporarily altered diet, the stress of recovery... In any case, the good news is that her hair is growing back thick again! For more information on thinning hair, read this blog post. The ends will eventually need to be trimmed off, as hair only gets thicker as it grows from the scalp, and Jennifer will once again have a full and juicy head of curls. On this particular day, we chose to trim about two inches. It helps to discuss these things with your hairstylist; hair is not just hair. It can tell us so much, but we can't piece the puzzle together if we don't have all the pieces! If Jennifer had just disappeared a year ago to have her surgery and never shared that with me, we could have been stumped or taken a lot longer trying to figure out what was going on. I once had a client whose hair told me a story and I asked her if anything big had happened in her life about four months prior and she shared that she had been in a major car accident. Knowing that information, I was able to let her know what to expect in the way of bushiness and extra perceived frizz in the coming months. She felt better armed with that information so that she didn't panic later on when those things happened.
What stories are your curls telling you? The stylists at OlyCurl can help you decipher what your curls are doing and saying. Click here to learn more about what we do as curly hair specialists and request an appointment to see us!
12/4/2017 0 Comments Special Message!We have had some unexpected cancellations for Tuesday, December 5th, for New Clients as well as Established Clients! Please Contact Us as soon as possible to snap up these opportunities!
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